VEX robotic kit

If you want the ultimate in geekdom, get the Vex Robotis kits. They are expensive, but a good deal if you know you love making robots. The part numbers that are the best deals are:

VEX-CLASS-1. This is the complete kit that gives you remote control and also a microcontroller so you can program the beast. If you just want the basics, then the

Autonomous Control Starter Bundle (276-2320-EASYC) is the same but without the other parts. And is $380 cheaper.

Plus if you went to the idTech robotics camp, then you can save an additional 10% by calling them directly and telling them the city and your camp name. Nice deal! But you do have to call 1-903-453-0800

2 responses to “VEX robotic kit”

  1. rich Avatar

    Wow Tetrix is great. I agree. Got that set and it is nice it is compatible with Legos.

  2. paulperry Avatar

    How about Tetrix ? The new standard for FTC competitions. Vex seemed to have been dropped from FTC. Having invested in Mindstorms NXT, Tetrix seems to provide a reusable transition …

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