Well all the magic URLs changed when Apptix switched us to Exchange 2007. Here they are:

cp.collaborationhost.net. This is the control panel where you can change user name and it also has your detailed configuraiton information
mobile.collaborationhost.net. This is the ActiveSync address that you use to sync your iPhone
smtp.collaborationhost.net. Where you send mail
pop.collaborationhost.net. Use POP3 to read mail
imap.collaborationhost.net. Inbound IMAP mail boxes
AUSP01VMBX05.collaborationhost.net. This is your actual mailbox on your exchange server
outlook.collaborationhost.net. This is the Exchange proxy for doing http into your mailbox
msstd:outlook.collaborationhost.net. This is the URL for the Certificate

The only read assymetry left is that the outlook web access address is totally different, it is


You can login with either you company username@company.com or if you know the magic userid that is assigned  uniquely to every person which is collaboration\username

I’m Rich & Co.

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