Paris for Kids

!Paris Apartment Rental – PARIS PERFECT. Looked long and hard for a place to stay. With kids, it makes much more sense to rent an apartment. We stayed with the folks at Paris Perfect. They really doa great job with apartments. The Bergerac for instance is a block from the Eiffel Tower. More important is that each apartment has an awesome guide for things to do in the neighborhood. So you don’t have to constantly get on the Metro and take time.
“Rick Steve”: on “Rue Cler”: Every arrondissement (district) in Paris has a wonderful market. In the Septieme, it is Rue Cler. We just loved going there. For the kids, Parisian Bistrot food was a little rich and definitely too slow. So for dinners, it was great to boogie to this market and get something for the apartment. Some great spots you have to try are:
# Halles Bosquet: Fruit and vegetable stand. One of 4 or 5 greengrocers on rue Cler. The competition among the fruit and vegetable merchants means prices are competitive. Always shop for their specials out front.
# Davoli – La Maison du Jambon: This is an Italian Deli. I know, I know, we were in Paris, but it really was wonderful. Terrific Bologanese sauce and Lasagna. And the meats are really awesome. We didn’t try it but it has the the best Choucroute in Paris.
# Lenotre: Way too expensive, but probably the best desserts I’ve ever had. Nothing like eating a US$8 pastry and thinking it is wonderful./
# Caf? du Marche: A simple bistro here. The food is classic French bistro. The kids thought the canard (duck) was good, but ultimately, it was a little slow for them. Great people watching
# “Berthillon”: Ice Cream. The main shop is Ile Ste. Louis, but a shop just down the road from Cafe du Marche sells it by the pint. It is awesome. Really the best ice cream in Paris.
# Fromagerie: An amazing shop. It is really great. Goat cheeses are really good. You do have to tell them when you are eating it makes a difference apparently.
# Boulangerie Patisserie: This boulangere is on the corner; note the beautiful windows and original features. Good bread, including the flute and grain breads.
# Le M?re de Famille Gourmand Chocolats Confiseries. A great chocolate store. Less expensive than Le Notre, but really great hand dipped.

I’m Rich & Co.

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