This is now an “old” scanner being five years old. Amazingly “Visioneer”: still have a support page for it where you can download Win 95/98/2K drivers (but it doesn’t work with XP without special work). Otherwise, they have the drivers up there, but when you install it on Windows, it fails because it expects PaperPort, their utility to be there, but I think it still installs drivers, so in that sense, the error messages are wrong.
It is very hard to get it run on Windows XP, but “Tony”: has figured out a bizarre way to do that seems to work. Only problem is that you need Paperport 8.0 and 6.1 which I don’t have:
Step 1: Download PaperPort Deluxe8.0 (can be the trial version) >>> install it
Step 2 :Connect the scanner and put in the install CD, go to: Start >>> Settings >>>Control Panel >>>Hardware >>>and install the driver from the CD !!!! VIPERSTI.DLL is requested ( to find at as part of
: Step 3 :Uninsall PaperPort delue 8.0 >>>> restart PC
: Step 4:Install PaperPort 6.1 from install CD also install the Twain drivers in the same installtion process >>>> restat PC
: Step 5: Start PaperPort >>>> click on the Scanner icon >>>> press SCANN >>> !!!!! for the first scan only, cancle (interrupt) the ?Light wormup ?(Lampen Aufw?rmphase)

I’m Rich & Co.

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