“Endian roadmap”:http://endian.net/roadmap.asp. One of the worst things to do is to buy a new card or other piece of hardware and then discover there was a big price cut or a new model due the next week. Endian has a whole cut of news just basd on new roadmaps. Super useful to check.
So for graphics cards as of January, some relevant hits:
* 2004Q1. Nvidia “NV40”:http://endian.net/details.asp?ItemNo=3820 is the new processor to succeed the NV35 (GeForce 5900) built on 130nm. The NV35 was launched 05-03 so this is a quick turn.
* Q404. ATI R500 will succeed the R420 (Introduced 3-04) and the R350 (Radeon 9800) and R360 (Radeon 9800XT)
* Mar-04. The “R420”:http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/3/34607.html is the near term successor to the current line this coming March.