“Tom’s Hardware”:http://www.tomshardware.com/howto/20040127/index.html. Given that doing the label and then affixing it to a CD and DVD is a pain, maybe the better way is to print directly to the CD. The Epson R800 and a couple of other models do this. Could be the tipping point for me in buying one of these. Here’s what Tom’s hardware found:
* The key to this is that the Epson 900, 960, R300, R800 have a straight paper path that allows thick things to go through.
* What CDR you use matters here. They like the Memorex produced the crispest brightest looking end product. Imation was next. The media is more expensive though, but it is just one step.
* You should wait 24 hours after you burn a CD before you print the label, that’s one difference.

One response to “Printing directly to a CD or DVD”

  1. some guy Avatar
    some guy

    there is no need to wait 24 hours before printing

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