“Office 2003 Research Pane”:http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dno2k3ta/html/odc_customizingtheresearchpane.asp. John Ludwig points out there is this new research pane. Wow, talk about not going through a product. I had no idea it had this. Need to figure it out. One of the problem with hidden menus, is well things are hidden, you choose Tools and Research. Apparently, this is one feature that isn’t heavily marketed and y ou can plug in other providers. You can link it.
“RSS Integration with Research Pane”:http://rss.lockergnome.com/archives/services/008125.phtml. A kind of cool use of the Research Pane that lets you look up RSS feeds based on keyword you type inside an Office document.
“DevX”:http://www.devx.com/codemag/Article/18214?trk=DXRSS_XML. An under the covers view of what is happening with this pane. Basically, it uses XML and SOAP to find information.
“Jay Butzik’s Thesis”:http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/budzik99watson.html. Thanks again to Citeseer for finding this paper. What a great tool
“Watson”:http://dent.infolab.nwu.edu/infolab/projects/project.asp?ID=5. The tool that Jay has developed and also the home of his papers
Smart Tags are related. Let you build a lexicon of terms. So that you can XML tag and you can open up a MapPoint view of the address.
Similareideas include:
* “Copernic”:http://copernic.com This is a web search for enterprise.
* “Atomica”:http://atomica.com which you can download at “PC World”:http://www.pcworld.com/downloads/file_description/0,fid,7997,00.asp You can get any definition and google search when you see a term. so it is for words not for. When you get to Atomica, it redirects to “Gurunet”:http://gurunet.com and you get one of those magic search box things.
* “Autonomy”:http://autonomy. the active knowledge product, it links every document you are viewing to the autonomy document repository. You can only use with the Autonomy system. But, what about all the other knowledge management systems out there.
2 responses to “Researching and Searching within Office”
Great point, Bill. I had not thought about how this stuff intersects with Blogs. Nice work over at Myst!
…and – the Smart Tags support is pretty impressive too. Imagine bundles of RSS items showing up as smart tags in all documents you author or read – regardless of the weblog tool used to create the content.
We provide Smart Tags and Office Research Tasks services to companies that want to weave a km fabric with Weblog content or RSS feeds.
— bf