If you’re working with color pictures, getting the right color on the screen is pretty hard. Fortunately, several sites produce things called ICMs, these are used by Windows to correct colors for you. For the displays that I support, here are the ICMs. You also have to set brightness (really black level) and contrast (really white level) properly as well, usually, the defaults are overblown, so turning them down makes a big difference:
* Benq FP-991. Set the monitor to sRGB profile in hardware, then turn down brightness and contrast to zero to get to 100 nits (the right display level). Finally, load the ICM from the “X-bit”:http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/other/display/response-4_6.html review. BTW, 100 nits is probably too low for many office settings, so just turn up contrast slightly. In my own office, about 25 on the scale is about right.
* NEC 1760V. With this model, drop brightness to 50% and contrast at 40-45% to get to 100 nit. Choose the sRGB color settings. It’s ICM is from “Xbit”:http://www.xbitlabs.com/images/other/response-5/icm.zip.