GPS Update

Took a basic navigation class today and realized I’m under gadgeted on marine hardware, so here’s an update:
* GPS Receiver Information, Software, and Hardware Reviews of Garmin, Lowrance, Magellan and other GPS Receivers. This is the most amazing site. I used it two years ago to pick a Magellan Sportrak Pro. Its still a very nice unit.
* “Magellan Mapsend Direct Route”: While it probably has the worse name in history for a product. This turns an existing Magellan GPS into a turn-by-turn car navigation unit. Pretty cool.
* Magellan Mapsend BlueNav. This is the marine software that you can load. Has chart data and tide information as well.
So where do you buy these goodies:
* Pricegrabber shows that and Computers4sure carry it. There is also a host of speciality GPS “store’: on the net tha tyou can look at. Can’t vouch for them. Although “TigerGPS”: has a high page rank.

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