“Drew”:http://judysbook.com was wondering about buying an iPod vs. a Creative Zen and also about accessories. I’ve blogged this before, but here are the recommendations:
* iPod vs. Zen. I haven’t used a Zen, but have to say the iPod is a device that a five year old can learn to use in 10 seconds. This happened with our little “Grace”:https://richtong.net/grace/ so draw your own conclusions.
* “iPodlounge.com”:http://ipodlounge.com. This is the place for recommendations on various hardware.
* “Etymotic ER-6”:http://www.headphone.com/layout.php?topicID=3&subTopicID=26&productID=0020100100. Here are in my humble opinion the dream headphones to wear with an iPod. They are a little bassy, but that matches the iPod output characteristics perfectly.
* If you want the $20,000 speaker experience, then the “ER-4S”:http://www.headphone.com/layout.php?topicID=3&subTopicID=26&productID=0020100000 are the miracles of the planet. About $220, so don’t lose them!

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