WiFi-Forum – Blue screen with Centrino 2200BG wireless card when TKIP is enabled. Well, maybe TKIP is the problem, but under high load, the Centrino 2200BG driver crashes on my Sony VAIO.
Only happens when really pushing the driver. I’m not sure it is reproducible, so I’m going to get the latest updated driver.
I use TKIP and WPA/PSK encryption on my network. What an alphabet soup, but at least that means I have a normal password rather some hexadecimal goo for a WEP key.
In the blue screen details, it says the following :
* STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x82400000,0x00000002,0x00000000,0xF8122988)
w22n51.sys – Address F8122988 base at F80AE000, DateStamp 404c5c4c

One response to “Sony VAIO T-140PL W22N51.SYS Crash”

  1. rookie Avatar

    Just curious, did that DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL blue screen go away by upgrading your wireless chipset driver? I have a Toshiba laptop that’s behaving the same way and the only reason for this that I can think of is that I started using WPA with TKIP recently.

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