Great Airlines

4 Star Airlines in the Skytrax Airline Star Ranking Programme. While I knew a bunch of these airlines, there are definitely some surprises.
The usual suspects are the 5-star airlines. The ones that no business traveler (I know) which are:
* Cathay Pacific Airways
* Malaysia Airlines
* Qatar Airways
* Singapore Airlines
Then there is a big list of four star airlines. There are some surprises here. Some airlines that are rated well and reasonably inexpensive including:
* All Nippon Airways
* Asiana Airlines
* China Airlines
* Dragonair
* EVA Airways
* Korean Air
These Asian ones particular ones like China Airlines and Korean Air a decade ago were just horrible. Good to remember if you are ever travelling east.
Not surprising most of the big US carriers are 3-star or average.

I’m Rich & Co.

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