Computing.Net – pci.sys – Missing/broken 🙁. Been steadily going from my Windows SP1 up to SP2, installed the latest nVidia drivers on the DFI LanParty. Boy, was that a mistake, the thing won’t boot now and the boot system reports, missing pci.sys. To get this back, you need to find a Windows XP original CD and then to this very bizarre recovery console, this gives you a command line version of Windows where you need to type:
set AllowAllPaths = true
expand d:\i386\pci.sy_ c:\windows\system\drivers32 /y
The first command allows you to overwrite files in the c:\windows directory. The second takes the compressed version of pci.sy_ and puts it into the drivers library.
By the way, I think could either be because my Ram is flakey, the most common cause according to the web, or because I replaced a bunch of disk drivers with their nVidia equivalents or because the nForce4 and NCQ disks don’t get along. More debugging to come.