Nero Speed Limits

Nero on our DFI LanParty nF4 Ultra D mysteriously has gotten confused about the maximum write speeds of both a Benq DW1640 and a Ricoh drives. It thinks the Benq only writes at 4x and the Ricoh at 2.4x. The main issue appears to be that it doesn’t actually set the burn speed until *after* you have inserted the blank DVD. So you have to actually insert the blank *first* before you start Nero, otherwise, it makes the worse case assumption and uses the slowest speed.
There are some other potential first as well:
* Here are the fixes from “”: which tells us that there is a web page at “Nero Support Tools”: On that page, you download Dynamic WriteSpeed, this disables Nero’s own determination of how fast the burner is and it now will read from the drive firmware. It essentially adds a registry entry to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ahead\Nero – Burning Rom\Recorder which is setting UseStaticWriteSpeedTable to 1.
* Another fllow at “CDFreaks”: had a similar problem and apparently there is a registry entry you can try to reset called _Hkey/Current User/Software?Ahead/Nero – Burning/Recorder. On the right pane, change the registry key Speed to 1 and that should help as well.

I’m Rich & Co.

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