Turns out that Blackberry has done specific versions for each carrier as I noted before, but the “Pinstack”:http://blackberryforums.pinstack.com/showthread.php?t=3311 site was sometimes right, sometimes wrong. Google however seemed to be able to find the correct software downloads.
Just a warning, before you do a download, back everything up!
# BlackBerry Software for Cingular All Cingular customers (including former AT&T Wireless customers) can view available BlackBerry software at this page. Download the desktop manager and the latest version of the Cingular software for your favorite device, say the 8700c.
# BlackBerry Hong Kong CSL. These are downloads for the Chinese version of the Blackberry software download these and then install it. Good luck!
# “Pinstack”:http://blackberryforums.pinstack.com/showthread.php?t=1439 has instructions for installing the Bharti 4.1 software, that should work for the Hong Kong software. Good luck. The main thing is to undelete vendor.xml from c:\program files\common files\research in motion\apploader and then install it.