If you get a chance to spend a weekend away in the San Juans, here are some recommendations:
* San Juan Island Lodging in Friday Harbor, The Highland Inn Bed and Breakfast. Expensive, but a spectacular view. Helen has just two rooms and the look out into Haro Strait. When we were there, we arrived just in time to see “J Pod”:http://www.whaleresearch.com/j1.shtml.
* “Duck Soup Inn”:http://www.ducksoupinn.com/. A great high end dining spot.
* “San Juan Safaris”:http://www.sanjuansafaris.com/. We took a five hour kayak. That’s a bit long, but if you take it from Roche Harbor, you have a good chance of seeing the Orcas not to mention Bald Eagles, Cormorants and Seals.
* “Thai Kitchen”:http://sanjuanislands.kulshan.com/Washington/San_Juan/Restaurants/Thai_Kitchen.htm. Perfect antidote to all that heavy Duck Soup gourmet stuff.