“DVD Help – DVD Shrink”:http://www.dvdrhelp.com/tools?tool=155#comments and DVD?R Digest – Articles – DVD Shrink Guide and “Afonic DVD Shrink Guide”:http://www.polarhome.com/~afonic/shrink.htm.DVD Shrink is the a free software that allows you to “shrink” existing DVD movies (by removing content or reducing their quality) so that they will all fit onto a single 4.7 GB DVD recordable. DVD Shrink is the first software of this kind that is actually free, and has DVD decryption functions built right into the software.
DVD Shrink allows you to reduce the size of the DVD in two ways. One is to remove content from the DVD (eg. remove extra features), and the other is to keep all the original content, but reduce their quality and hence, file size. This guide currently deals with the second case (reducing quality).
Pretty cool application for doing backups.

I’m Rich & Co.

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