Bin/CUE CD Image

WeetHet – CDRW – How to write a Bin/Cue CD image using Nero Burning Rom. _Hat tip to google for helping me understand the differences between .BIN and .ISO files_
BIN/CUE files (files that have a suffix .BIN and .CUE) are often found on the Internet and commonly created using CDRWIN by Golden Hawk.
If you already own Ahead Nero, it know how to burn ISO files, but not BIN/CUE files.
Simply put, a BIN file is nothing more than an ISO file variant, and a a CUE file nothing else as an index file for the BIN file.
Tip: If you only have the BIN file, and don’t have the CUE file, then look in the “downloads”: page where you can find a little tool called BIN2ISO to convert BIN files to an ISO file.
So the steps are:
# “Convert a BIN file to an ISO file”:
# “Burn ISO with Nero”: on how to burn this image file (thanks to Hans van Helden for the tip!).

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