JR.com: MICROSOFT Office 2003 Student and Teacher Edition in Office Productivity Suites:. _If you’ve got kids, here’s a very affordable way to get Office 2003. For $130, you get a copy of Office that can legally be installed on three machines. That’s a big discount over Office 2003 Standard and even compared to the Microsoft Company Store, its a bargain. The main thing is that it doesn’t have Access, but these are the four applications that I actually use the most_
You can check for the lowest prices at “Pricegrabber”:http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getprod.php/masterid=1560202/blsrt=1 where a site called Vio Software has it for even less.
Microsoft Office Student and Teacher Edition 2003 is a suite of popular Microsoft Office Personal Productivity applications that is priced affordably for students and teachers in grades K – 12 and institutions of higher education and includes these core Office programs: Microsoft Office Word, Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Outlook, and Microsoft Office PowerPoint.