Lame switches

Hydrogenaudio Forums -V n (in Lame 3.95.1). They keep changing the switches in Lame. First in the early versions, you used -r3mix and got the best.
Then it was to use –alt-preset standard and then –alt-preset extreme
Then it was just –preset standard and –preset extreme.
Now they have converted this to the -V option where you put a number after -V 0 means very little compression, -V 9 means a ton. Here is what these options mean:
| Lame 3.95.1 and later | Early | Target (kpbs) | Y | b (min bit rate) | lowpass | resample (KHz) |
| -V 0 | –preset extreme | 240 | | 128 | 19.5 |
| -V 2 | –preset standard | 190 | | 128 | 19 |
| -V 4 | –preset medium | 165 | 1 | | 18 |
| -V 6 | | 115 | 1 | | 16 |
| -V 7 | | 100 | 1 | | 14.9 | 32Khz |
| -V 9 | | 65 | 1 | | 10.0 | 24KHz |

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