k-lite. This is kazaa without spyware. A good place to look or else you can remove it with the instructions. Here are some helpful hints from Kazaa Lite hings
After you run the program, wait a little while for it to connect and then:
1. press alt V, then arrow down to search and hit enter.
2. type song title or artist, then hit enter.
You can check the status line with insert numpad 3 to know when it is done searching
and has found results.
Now at this point you can just go to step 3, or you can do the
Here is the other step we will call it 2 A. Hit alt v for view arrow up until
you get to search field hit enter this step will give some more information
on each song like estimated time of download and so on
3. press control L to get to the song list of the search results.
4. use up and down arrow to read the songs.
5. press alt L to bring up the context menu then hit enter on download to
start it.
6. to review what songs are being downloaded, press alt V, down arrow to
traffic and hit enter.
7. press Control L to be placed in the list of songs downloading. You can use alt L for the context
8. for next search, press alt for the file menu and down arrow to new search and hit enter.

12 responses to “Kazaalite.com :: Spyware/ad FREE filesharing”

  1. moirone Avatar

    Kazaa Lite is not gone, Kazaa Lite is alive and well! You can download the latest version of Kazaa Lite and all versions of Kazaa Lite at the official Kazaa Lite website at:

  2. terry landrum Avatar
    terry landrum

    kazaalite free download

  3. Rich Tong Avatar

    Kazaa is free, but has lots of spyware and other evil programs. There used to be kazaa lite which removed this, but the kazaa folks took legal and technical action to blow it away.
    Most folks are flipping to e-mule or bittorrent as a result.

  4. ANN Avatar


  5. Drew Avatar

    You all got screwed. Kazaalite is a piece of software that allows you to access a network, which then allows you to download files from other users. This k-lite.tk, & the billion other clones of it, are some other company desperately trying to fill the gap caused by the submergence of kazaalite.tk.
    I mean, look at this, it’s against the principle, the spirit & the ethic of pirating music through kazaa to REGISTER somewhere. Talk about sellibng to the man!
    I’m sure that a fresh download of the kazaalite installer can be found somewhere, & I’ll keep looking. I urge you all to do the same, & stay free!

  6. roy scudder Avatar
    roy scudder

    i hope this is worth it

  7. David Lees Avatar
    David Lees

    like to listen to to some old recordings 1960 `s

  8. s bingham Avatar
    s bingham

    can i download dvds

  9. Rich Tong Avatar

    Kazaalite.com is gone. The new site is http://www.k-lite.tk/

  10. chris Avatar

    yeh cool

  11. simone Avatar

    i carnt get any music please help me

  12. delroy white Avatar
    delroy white

    I need to know more about music search.

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