Connie's New Blackberry

RIM BlackBerry 6210- Karbon Systems. Connie’s Blackberry has finally given up the ghost and she doesn’t want to learn something new. We got it two years ago from and Aether and it was a nightmare service. Things breaking with the service all the time and mysterious failures with the device.
But, it worked super well. So, the new Blackberry 6210 is $349, so a little cheaper, it includes a GSM phone, three POP3 accounts and also wireless internet. And, it is a world phone. Wow. The service plan is of course incredibly complicated from AT&T or T-Mobile, but I think the basic idea is to buy a handset and then take the SIM and put it into the Blackberry. Kind of strange.
Robert over at Karbon Systems is a good guy. Know him from past lives.

I’m Rich & Co.

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