dvd to divx backup

Well it’s been six months since I figured out the best way to backup DVDs. Here’s an update on what’s on the web now:
* “Doom9.net Guide”:http://www.doom9.org/. This was the source I used before and learned about Gordian Knot. The site has only gotten better. It actually explains what you are doing while the other guides are more of the press key 1, 2, 3 variety. Not the first hit in Google, but seems the most comprehensive. Main change is the use of the XviD encoder which is open source and royalty-free apparently with great quality. I’ll have to give that a try.
* DVD To DivX conversion guide. I did a DVD to DivX backup tools study about six months ago. It’s interesting to see how the tools have evolved since then. Here’s a how-to-guide that uses the various piece parts that Gordian Knot integrates.
* “Ecuador’s DVD to DivX Guide”:http://ecuador.ebodyform.com/pcdvd/dvdrip.htm. A slightly different take on the conversion process. This does a conversion of the audio to MP3 as well, so you lose the AC3 I think. He also has a rip “pack”:http://users.otenet.gr/%7Ethalia1/ecurip23.htm of all the software needed.
* “Ecuador’s PC Software Player Ratings”:http://ecuador.ebodyform.com/pcdvd/dvdplay.htm. He also has a good guide to software DVD players. He likes Cyberlink PowerDVD the best.
* “OCAddition DVD to DivX Guide”:http://www.ocaddiction.com/articles/howto/dvdbackup/. Yet another guide. This one uses Gordian Knot. I used this program before. I sure hope it has gotten easier.

I’m Rich & Co.

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