Well, we were looking at the macro figures on computer investment and so forth. The Bureau of Economic Analysis has a completely open website for reviewing this, here are some amazing things we found:
* “Computer Expenditures”:www.bea.gov/bea/dn/comp-gdp.XLS . They actually pull on in Excel format, the Excel format no less all kinds of measures of computer sales by personal consumption, private fixed investment, government spending and then of course what goes out as imports and what comes in as an import into the system.
* “Chained Dollars”:http://www.larouchepub.com/other/2000/ref_quality_adj_2742.html. There is a very complicated thing that they do that make the numbers hard to understand. They apply something called QAM (quality adjustment measurement) to these numbers. So, if some spends 10% for a computer that is 10% faster, then they say there hasn’t been any inflation. This is how they are adjusting to constant dollars (the so called chained 2000 dollars). This factor with computers is amazingly high. So using nominal dollars is probably the right way to look at things. Does say that inflation is understated and production is overstated for computers because they imput gigantic price declines (that is the assumption is that in 1980, people would have wanted to buy a mainframe, but in 2000, they would buy a PC, so price has fallen a ton, when in reality no one could have afforded a $1M mainframe).
* “Capacity Utliization”:
* “Acronyms”:http://www.acronymfinder.com/. There are boatload of acronyms in all the BEA data. Acronum Finder is a great way to figure out SAAR means Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate