Useful Utilities

“PC Magazine”:,1895,1936083,00.asp normally isn’t that useful anymore and it is a pale imitation of its former self, but this piece on cool utilities is really useful. Here are the top ones:

* “Roboform”: A great utility even if it does cost $30. Keeps track of all your passworks.
* “PartitionMagic”: Its is $70, but it really helps when you need to change your aprtition and move them.
* “Network Magic”:http://networkmagic. OK, so we are investors, it is kind of cool to see it here as away to manage your home networks
* “Gibson Research”: They have a bunch of useful utiliities like Leaktest and ShieldsUp!! to scan your computer
* “Filmloop”: This lets you scroll photos across your screen like a ticker.
* “MSN Screen Saver”: This displays photos, puts up dates and track your email.

Here are some for audio, video and photos

* “Rawshooter”: This is a RAW editor that works really well.
* “Adobe DNG Converter”: A free utility that converts from proprietary RAW camera formats into Adobes DNG
* “Microsot Raw Image Viewer”:http://microsoft.. This is a power toy that lets you view RAW inside Windows.
* “SteadyHand”: An amazing $70 utility that takes the shakes out of your images.
* “Video Convertor”: This tools takes teh MJPEG that digital cameras use and converts if for $35 into DivX, AVI or MP4 formats.
* “ID3-TagIT”: I use Musicmatch for this and it works really well, here’s a freeware alternative.
* “Qumana”:http://qumana. LIke w.bloggar, this is an offline client.

I’m Rich & Co.

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