!ZAMAN DAILY NEWSPAPER (2006081135541)

The sky will be brightened throughout August by meteor showers.Those watching the sky on the night of August 12, when the meteor shower is most visible, will have the opportunity to see shooting stars with the naked eye. If weather permits, anyone wishing to will able to observe an average of 70-100 shooting stars.

“KOIN in Portland”:http://www.koin.com/news.asp?ID=5570 says that 9PM Saturday pacific time iswhen you should start watching. 20-60 per hour but most are too faint because of light pollution and also because of the moon. Under these conditions you might see a bright Perseid or two every minute.

“Arizona Star”:http://www.azstarnet.com/allheadlines/141172 says it’s possible to spy 15 to 30 Perseids an hour during the shower’s peak from Saturday night through Sunday morning. It’s also possible to see nary a meteor all evening, depending on the conditions.

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