
Maybe I have a “rootkit”: and not a virus. Despite all my best efforts, I can’t seem to get rid of this thing that creates a six digit EXE in c:\windows\temp. Wikipedia actually says that if you have one, the best thing to do is to reinstall since a rootkit modifies so much stuff. Wow, this stuff is terrible. There is a free checker called “blacklight”:, but the problem is that to really work, you need to boot from a CD and not run the operating system itself.

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2 responses to “Rootkit”

  1. bodychex Avatar

    “Rich”, this is a comment on an older post that I can’t comment on through the site – permalink

    If you did purchase this product from please send me a note at I have a couple of questions. Thanks.

  2. John Ludwig Avatar

    what the hell, might as well upgrade to vista! ok you will still crash regularly but at least now you know why.

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