At last there is going to be copy and paste. For me letting Notes sync and be stored is a big deal. And at last there is going to be a unlocked price for iPhone. They will charge $600 for an 8GB model vs $199 right now. So it is a $400 subsidy difference. With the $30/month charge, that means it is about a year of non expensive contract. It will ship in July probably in sync with the iPhone refresh and hopefully an iPhone nano.

As an aside a netbook would be available in September.

The Complete Guide to iPhone OS 3.0 for iPhone and iPod touch | iLounge Article

Yesterday, Apple officially announced iPhone OS 3.0, the upcoming operating system update to the 2.2.1 software currently running on iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPod touch, and second-generation iPod touch hardware. A beta version of iPhone OS 3.0 was released soon thereafter, showing off many of the disclosed Ãĸâ‚ŦœconsumerÃĸâ‚Ŧ features of the new software, as well as a number that had not yet been mentioned by the company.

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