And it went amazingly smoothly, I got my 3GS in 15 minutes at the Apple store. They are getting really good at fulfillment!
9 to 5 Mac | Apple Intelligence
On this year’s launch day, iPhone sales exceeded sales recorded on 2008’s iPhone launch day, Black Friday 2008 and Dec. 26, 2008 — all heavy-volume sales days. In fact, this year we surpassed 2008’s launch day sales at about noon Central time, and sustained our previous peak hour record, also set in 2008, for 11 straight hours.
I have two other cards that work natively — I think they have a Jmicron chipset. My dual-firewire800 Expresscard works in SL too. OWC eSATA ExpressCard/34 is a no-name eSATA card that works and is $20. Mainly because the Jmicron drivers are included in OS X.