Well, I’ve pretty much decided that it is just too much to switch from Canon back to Nikon. But for anyone starting with photography and wants a serious camera, the D3200 seems like the dream with the D800 as the higher end version. 
I think I’ll soldier on with the Canon 5D Mark II for a little and see what happens, so the focus turns into three directions:

  • New lenses. The only one on the docket right now is an 85MM either the really expensive but amazing F/1.2 or the less cool but probably more practical F/1.8
  • A second camera. Maybe the answer is that instead of thinking of just one primary camera, the D800 or the D3200 is just a second camera, then since these cameras are so fast, you really don’t need that many lenses anymore to cover the world particularly with their high speed and the lense optics correction. So if the D3200 is really good, the ideal lense set would be the D3200 plus the Nikon 18-200 or the D800 plus the 70-200 F/2.8. Depends on how good the D3200 is.
  • Blackmagic. Canon sells a $10K camera that does 4K lines, but Blackmagic has announced a 2.5K line camera for $3K that uses Canon lenses which is great.
  • Fuji X1-Pro. People have been raving about this and its ilk. Basically, dSLR quality in a small rangefinder like camera. This is the biggest open area because it also has Sony NEX, Nikon 1 Series and a bunch of others.

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