Well one of the great things about homebrew computer is that the little connectors are never quite compatible. Here’s a guide to the little pieces you need to get an nMagic case to work with a DFI 855GME-MGE Motherboard:
* Connect a standard 24-Pin ATX Power Supply to a 20-Pin ATX Motherboard Power Connector. Turns out the the power supply is a modern 24-pin power supply while the motherboard uses the older 20-pin standard. $10 to fix this.
* “Koutech IO=PU221”:http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=15-201-206&depa=0. This has External 2x USB 2.0 ports, but most important Internal Port: 2x USB 2.0 pin headers support 4 ports. Cost is $7 from Newegg, so I can connect the two front USB and the Flash card readers. The problem is that the 855GME-MGE has only 4 USB and they are all in the back external, so I need 3 more. This card solves that problem.
* “Lite-on Wireless Keyboard”:http://www.newegg.com/app/ViewProductDesc.asp?description=23-107-114&depa=0 version is just $20 and is a wireless with a a pointing device. Comes with a receiver too. I need IR since I want to be able to use it with my Pronto remote which only speaks IR.

I’m Rich & Co.

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