Day out to Waimea

First, you visit the head up the Kamehameha Highway and visit the spot where the 1946 tsunami punched a hole in a rock. Awesome power and an amazing spot. It is just across from the Polynesian Cultural Center.
Then, Waimea Valley “Audubon”: “Center”:,+oahu/. Its a cool spot where you walk up half a mile to a great pool where you can go swimming. !>!
Lunch is down below. They have authentic root beer, “pineapple”: and other sodas made right on the island. They make a whopping 300 cases a week in a single room at the “Waialua Soda Works”: !Waimea Bay Beach Park, Oahu. !>! The end to a great day trip is to get to the Waimea beach. This time of year, it is more placid than a swimming pool, plus the Waimea rivers empties in so it is great for little kids. And also all the body builders and Marines that are taking the day off too.

I’m Rich & Co.

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