Some great real world lessons here. They are in short, you can’t use them in a can, with a dimmer or where you are turning them on and off alot. (That’s a lot of limitations), but they do save 4x in power. Check out “”: and stay about from the $1-2/bulb ones. You have to pay quite a bit more to get quality.
The Best Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Scientific Lab Test vs. Incandescent – Popular Mechanics
144. RE: The Best Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: PM Lab Test
It’s me ben again on those Service brand full spectrum spirals. These are an industrial product and not sold in stores but are available in eastern Canada thru a company in Nova Scotia called “20/20 Electric in Sydney Cape Briton Island but are made in the US. Ben143. RE: The Best Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: PM Lab Test
I bought INDUSTRIAL spiral mini light bulbs in 9, 14,16Watt Floods, 19 watt Floods & 23 watts replacing my 40,60& 100 watt inc. bulbs. The brand is “Service Long Life” and my house has 57 bulbs. I have 6 in the basement and 8 outside that I never shut off and the rest are all thru the house. In 8 yrs I have changed 4 of the ones that are never turned off and 1 in the house. I have never had one smoke and the light bill just disappeared. At present time I use a 23watt in the kitchen and one in the wife’s bathroom. 2 16watt floods and 2 19watt floods & 4 14watt outdoors and all the rest are 9 watt. These are Full Spectrum which gives noon day light and is VERY easy on the eyes and easy to be in all the time. 100% no glare. My wife suffers from SAD and finds these lamps help her a lot in the winter time with the long dark days. They cost me $16.95 each and are well worth it.The power co. here sent us 8 GE’s free and so I put one in and then thru them in the garbage.When you buy cheap you get CHEAP. Ben
The Best Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Scientific Lab Test vs. Incandescent – Popular Mechanics
Full Spectrum Solutions “BlueMax” CFLs? They have far superior Kelvin ratings and color rendition, electronic ballasts to prevent flicker, and a binding agent to reduce mercury danger. And they even offer a “soft” bulb for “warmer” colors, without sacrificing brightness or the other features, and dimmable bulbs and fixtures.
The Best Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Scientific Lab Test vs. Incandescent – Popular Mechanics
Use them in fixtures that you keep on for a couple of hours at a time, like in a living room. Fixtures that allow air flow are better too. A CFL’s lifespan can be shortened when you put them in a fixture that’s totally enclosed. Above all else, do NOT use them in dimmers unless the package says you can
The Best Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Scientific Lab Test vs. Incandescent – Popular Mechanics
Auto Cell electronic, brand bulbs have a dual phosphorus coating that allows them to last much longer. I really recommend people who are in the market for High quality CFL, to check out this company. The prices are great, the only catch is the minimum order is a case of 40 bulbs.
The Best Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Scientific Lab Test vs. Incandescent – Popular Mechanics
VERY BEST CFL on the market sold by Maintenance Engineering. Theirs are absolutely guaranteed for 2 years and produce a nice sunlight color
The Best Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Scientific Lab Test vs. Incandescent – Popular Mechanics
Don’t use them in places where you turn the light on and off a lot. They do burn out quickly that way. Wait for the LED type to use in those places.
The Best Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Scientific Lab Test vs. Incandescent – Popular Mechanics
I get my CFLs at They take out a lot of the guesswork by offering quality bulbs at low, low prices.