Continue reading →: life: On Thanksgiving and of Grit and Purpose
I’m going to do a series of posts that summarize the macro environment and the changing world around us. Now I know this will be controversial (and thank god this is not going to Twitter or Xwitter, you can figure out the pronunciation). Christmas is coming and I have to…
Continue reading →: Tech: Meta Ray-Ban Glasses actually work for us ADD folks who listen in parties
Holy crap, these Meta glasses are pretty terrific. I agree the camera isn’t that great, but note to all they are wonderful for two (and a half) specific purposes: First of all, for those of you who are ADD and want a way to listen to a podcast or book…
Continue reading →: mac: Getting UHD 4K HDR Streaming Working on Apple Silicon MacBook
Well, this is actually much harder than you think and it is not super well documented (and most of that documentation is not for the latest MacOS Sonoma), so here goes. Change UI to “More space” The first problem is that with the MacBook Pro’s XDR panel, the native resolution…
Continue reading →: tech: Transfer speeds USB 2 vs Thunderbolt 2 limited by Disk fragmentation
OK, this was a bit of a surprise. As mentioned before, we just transferred 20TB of data from a DroboPro on USB 2.0 and got a consistent 30MBps read speed. This is consistent with what Cisco says a typical USB controller can actually handle. At 480Mbps half duplex transfer rates,…
Continue reading →: tech: rsync to copy file with -avP no -c
OK, I’ve made many mistakes here with rsync where I picked the wrong flag. For a long time, I’ve wanted to use the -c or checksum flag and mistakenly thought this meant that rsync would checksum the files after the copy. This isn’t the case, what happens is that rsync…
Continue reading →: photos: Copying old VHS Tapes with Elgato Video Capture
Well, as I’ve been recovering all kinds of cool photos, there is a collection of Beta and VHS tapes that my dad made (and I did too) that I’ve been meaning to copy and I saw the Elgato Video Capture which is a $80 device that you has S-VHS and…
Continue reading →: car: Tesla Wiper Motor Failure and Glovebox Squeaks
OK, our Tesla is five years old now and it has held up pretty well, but we had two unusual problems. Hope you don’t have them, but in case you do here you go:
Continue reading →: ai: Sean Carroll on AI Risks
Well, there has been so much written about this and I thought Sean Carroll was particularly articulate about grading possibilities. The good news is that he actually transcribes all his answers, so here they are: It is in his August 2023 Ask Me Anything where: Kevin HarrangI learned a lot…
Continue reading →: tech: MacBook Pro Slow and USB 2.0 and Synology Drive Client saturate DS1812+
There are so many different things that can go wrong when connecting drives, my buddy Dean had a huge problem when he tried to plug a USB Drive into his M1 Mac, it caused kernel panics. The problem I’m diagnosing now is similar, I’m having startup and speed problems. The…
Continue reading →: rpi: Homebridge on Raspberry Pi Upgrades and Configuration Headaches
OK, I’ve been running the same Raspberry Pi 4 with the Homebridge image for the last three years and I finally had an issue with it. Homebridge is a node application, so it requires regular updates to pick up new Nodejs versions and also updates to the Homebridge itself and…