!CDR-Zone.COM – Reviews – Dvd Media Reviews – Verbatim 16x Media Review Page 1. Well once again time to get more media. My DVD burning needs more media. The latest are 16x DVDs that can burn an entire DVD in about 6 minutes. Pretty amazing. The first DVD writer I had was a 2.4x unit that took about 25 minutes to write a 4.7GB DVD.
Right now “Newegg”:http://secure.newegg.com/NewVersion/FeedBack/CustratingReview.asp?item=N82E16817130961 has the 25-pack for $19.99 with an $8 rebate. The 50-pack strangely is $50, so getting a pair of 25-packs is cheaper.
Verbatim as usual scores very well with their DatalifePlus. It is actually made by Mitsubishi Chemicals. Those guys do a great job. For geeks, the manufacturer code is MCC 004
You could save some money by using the Datalife 8x DVD+R which on the Benq 1620 that I have runs at 12x according to “Tom’s Hardware”:http://www4.tomshardware.com/storage/20041102/dvd_burners-17.html#blankmedia_compatibility. These are $36 for 50 at “Newegg”:http://www2.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16817130947

I’m Rich & Co.

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