Yikes, one of our machines has a faiilng C drive. It is a great 74GB Western Digital 10,000 rpm drive, but I can’t defrag it. It won’t completel. Norton Ghost fails on reading sectors. When I try to chkdsk, it comes out fine, so something is wrong. Time to figure out how to migrate to a new drive.
Actually it is fine since this machine hasn’t been rebuilt for three years and it is very flaky with all the video and other stuff loaded, so I just need to:
# “Dynamic to Basic”:http://www.theeldergeek.com/hard_drives_10.htm Convert one of the “dynamic”:http://www.petri.co.il/difference_between_basic_and_dynamic_disks_in_windows_xp_2000_2003.htm drives I have to basic. You can only boot from basic drives and there is no utility to convert dynamic to basic. Sigh. Windows.
# Norton Ghost has a single disk backup, so I’m going to take a standard copy as well
# “Convert to Basic”:http://technet2.microsoft.com/WindowsServer/en/library/354e5163-f388-4354-984c-ea4e4206694c1033.mspx?mfr=true
Basically, you start Computer Management/Storage/Disk Managment. Then you right click on the drive icon (not the big white thing on right but the actual icon) and you will see Convert to Basic Disk