I can’t believe it, Microsoft really does make expensive hardware. We have three PS3s and they work fine, but Calvin wanted an Xbox, so off we go to the store. First thing is that although the box costs $300, you need to spend $80 (wow!!!!) for a Wifi adapter, but it turns out, it is incompatible with Time Capsule Wifi. The best solution appears to be to buy a $99 Airport Express and use it as the Wifi adapter if you can believe that. Or if you want, get a $80 Netgear wireless n gaming adapter.
Time Capsule/Xbox 360 Help – Mac Forums
that des nt work with TC only air port. as of yet noone knows how to get it to work
Time Capsule/Xbox 360 Help – Mac Forums
you can get an Airport Express and set it up to Extend the Time Capsule’s network, Make sure you set the IPv6 mode under the advanced tab to “Tunnel” and plug your Xbox to the Airport Express via ethernet.
Apple – Support – Discussions – Time Capsule and my XBox 360 …
I replaced an Airport Extreme and Airport Express (used as a booster) with the Time Capsule. Everything is working great, even my printer, but my son is having a Cow because his Xbox 360 won’t work now. Would anyone know how to use either of the above or any other suggestions to get his Xbox working again? Thanks
Apple – Support – Discussions – Time Capsule and my XBox 360 …
The problem is not wit the xbox and it is not with the TC. The problem is witht he OEM microsoft wireless reciever. It has a problem connecting with the wirless n from the time capsule.
Apple – Support – Discussions – Time Capsule and my XBox 360 …
I have a 1tb TC and my xbox would not connect either. I tired for days before I finally had a Idea to go buy a wireless n gaming adapter. I bought a netgear for 80 dollars and plugged it in via the ethernet and it works WONDERFUL. It is actually alot better than the microsoft unit.