What to get the dinghy sailor who is out on the water all the time (plus get that 15% discount for college sailors from westcoastsailing.com and apssailing.com). Well here are some inexpensive and very expensive things that the experienced sailors uses.
This weekend is not a bad time as they West Coast Sailing (a great bunch of guys!) has a discount for ICSA, 20% off of Gill and if you spend $200, you get a $25 gift certificate! ($300 gives you $50 so a good incentive)

  • Harken classic Ā¾ $25.50, gloves and the Gills are on sale now at westcoastsailing.com
  • Musto MPX Trousers. Musto really lasts a long time
  • Sperry Waterproof SeaHiker. It’s important to get lace ups because under hard use the salt water just destroys the zippers (like the regular Sperry SeaHiker).
  • Musto BT1 Dinghy Smock. You don’t need a heavy jumper, but want something that fits well and doesn’t let water in, so the 1/4 zip is key.
  • El Cheapo dishwashing gloves (to put under your gloves)

I’m Rich & Co.

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