OK, here is how it all works in Snow Leopard:
In iCal, goto to Preferences/Accounts and select the + to Add, now you will see a new option with is Google and you type in your user name and password. Your main calendar should now appear. Then click on the Delegation tab (not very intuitive) and you will see a list of sub calendars on Google (like the weather and other things that are shared with you). Click on the those boxes to see them in iCal.
For Address Book, go to Preference and select Google and type in your user name and password. To force a sync go to the upper rigth and there is a MobileMe sync. Unintuitively, this actually syncs Google as well and is the general iSync utility, so don’t be confused, it works with or without MobileMe.
As an aside, I turned off MobileMe sync for all of this stuff for now until I figure out how that interacts 🙂
Sync with Snow Leopard – Google Mobile Help
If your using Snow Leopard (10.6) then Address Book contact sync with Google occurs every hour (http://www.google.com/support/contactsync/).
Only the contacts in “My Contacts” will sync, and only the following items
- People’s names and job titles
- Company names
- Email and postal addresses
- Phone numbers
- IM names, including the type of service
- Notes
- Photos (on Mac OS X 10.6 only)
Each time you send an email, Gmail automatically adds the recipient of that email to your contact list. There is currently no way to prevent Gmail from adding these contacts. You are able to delete unwanted contacts, however. To permanently delete a contact, follow these steps:
1. Select the contact in the Contacts list.
2. Click Delete Contact at the top of the page.
3. Click OK.
On Mac OS X 10.5, Contact Sync can’t sync a contact with Gmail if another contact has the same email address. If an Address Book or iPhone contact contains an email address already present in a different Gmail contact, this contact will not be synced.
Due to an interdependence between Gmail and Google Talk, removing or replacing contacts in Gmail may require you to reauthorize some contacts for chatting in Google Talk. This can also happen if contacts are merged or deleted and then synced.