eBags – luggage, handbags, backpacks, bags and travel accessories. Ordered from them two years ago, but haven’t been there since. A nice job on the website particularly in selecting bags.
The cool new things are the geek “bags”:http://www.ebags.com/travel_accessories/e_device_pouches/category_search/index.cfm?N=20010810 for holding electronic gadgets and also the “backpacks”:http://www.ebags.com/business_cases/laptop_cases/wheeled_cases/category_search/index.cfm?N=2006694 for laptops that are also wheelies. I use just such a thing for even week long trips to Europe if you can believe that.
One response to “ebags: more bags”
try timbuk2 for another cool bag option — build your own online. and they have proven to be very durable.