!Philips 7FF1AW Digital Photo Display review – Engadget – www.engadget.com. Pete just got this for Mom and Dad. I have to say that for $250 I’m impressed. It is essentially the size of a 4×6 frame, but the display looks great and it takes just about any memory card including SD, MMC, Memory Stick or Compact Flash but not xD for all you power nerds.
You do need an external card since there is just 8MB of internal memory in the thing, but the display is nice and sharp.
So if you haven’t gotten one for Christmas, its a great idea. I particularly like the fact that all it needs is a memory card, so it doesn’t have to pretend to be a networked device with all that brain damage.
It makes the perfect gift for your parents, get a 1GB card, load it up with all your pictures, put it into the box and mail to them :P)

I’m Rich & Co.

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