OK, so I’ve completely wiped my MacBook Air, time to rebuild it. Here is a list of things that have to happen. Sure sounds Windows like doesn’t it šŸ™‚

# Remote install Mac OS X. Sigh. This is going to take 4 hours over the air apparently
# Try the “Time Capsule recovery”:http://www.askdavetaylor.com/how_to_restore_imac_macbook_from_time_capsule_machine_backup.html which comes during the standard installation, it asks if you want to restore from Time Capsule
# Run Settings/Software Update to get me to 10.5.5.
# Install Microsoft Office 2004
# Install PDFPen
# Install Quickeys (or a good time to get F2 and F4 working with other stuff)
# Copy over my Music
# Make Mac Mail work with my email accounts
# Make Entourage work with our Exchange server

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